I am a data scientist with a software engineering background, tech-lover and amateur athlete.
I began playing around with computer science when I was 13, I studied two associate degree's and a Bachelor's degree in computer science (Software Engineering track).
Afterwards, my interest in the Artificial Intelligence world started growing and I studied a Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence.
Meanwhile, I have performed an internship at BBVA in the innovation team and I have been working at Clarity as Data Scientist since 2017.
Here are some of my technical skills. However I consider myself a learning-lover, I did work with these technologies but I am always open to learn some new stuff!
Here you can find information about my education as well as my work experience. For more information do not hesitate to contact me.
Artificial Intelligence
2018 - 2020
MSc in Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science
2014 - 2018
Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering
2012 - 2014
Certificate of Higher Education in Administration of Computer Systems in Network.
In Spain, this Associate degree is called "Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior"
October 2017 - Present
Clarity AI is a fast-growing start-up. By the time I get aboard, we were less than 10 people and today we are ~100 people.
During the last few years, I have accomplished very different tasks, from analyzing people’s needs through their expenses,
using manifold learning to identify consumption profiles to turn deep learning models into production, using tools such as
mlflow, airflow, docker… Summarizing, too much to tell in a few lines.
Some of my tasks have been:
October 2016 - May 2017
Development a tool to automatize ETL process.
January 2020 - May 2020
Machine Leraning Engineer Nanodegree
April 2018
Deep Learning Specialization by Professor Andrew Ng:
- Sequence Models
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
See the certificates here.
Android apps development
In this section you will find some of my last publications in conferences and some of my personal projects that are available online
Some of my areas of interest, I do love all that have something to do with the data world, from data science to data engineering. More specifically, I love all that have something to do with Machine Learning!
Even though a consider myself an engineer and I love engineering stuff, I am very interested and I always like to deep dive into data by analyzing data and, of course, modeling!
One of the fields of Machine Learning that I love the most is Deep Learning. Due to the size of the data that we handle nowadays and the computational power, deep learning is an awesome resource that bring us amazing results!
Although I have been working with machine learning the most, I also like the rest of the AI family. By instance, I have enjoyed when I played with genetic algorithms for optimization, ant colonies and so on is also a wonderful world!
You just cannot work modeling data without it. I really like building pipelines and ETLs when needed. Data Engineering is crucial for all the rest of processes, without reliable pipelines and data platforms we just can rely on our models!
A combination of a little bit of all the previous areas makes my a Machine Learning Engineering enthusiast!
Yes. In the life not all is working. I love travel around the world and know new places and cultures.
You can contact me by this contact form. If you prefer to send an email directly or to call me, please, find at the end of the page te contact information.
Madrid Area
Madrid, Spain
Mobile: (+34) 686 18 47 65